How 'southern' is your
southern t-shirt . . . ?
the Wilmo logo is your Gu
arantee that your t-shirt
is a real, 100% southern t-shirt.

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How 'Southern' is your Southern t-shirt . . . ??? 

Chances are when you check the label - though it loves to promote the south and all things Southern - your t-shirt is not really very 'Southern', at all. Wilmo is a brand born of the south and when you see the Wilmo logo on your shirt, rest assured, your shirt will be a real, southern t-shirt. At Wilmo we love the south and if we're going to wear a 'Southern' t-shirt, it will be a real, Southern, t-shirt . . . and for all those that love the south too, we look forward to you joining us. Watch for the "Wilmo 100% Southern" logo on our t-shirts and a host of other products, and know, if it's Wilmo, it's 100% Southern.

Cooper and Shirts

Our Story

Girls are raised here, and so are boys . . . and so are ladies and so are gentlemen. There are marshes and tides and all number of things ’Southern’ . . . there’s even a Southern shirt company that calls itself so and another that says they ‘outfit’ the south. That’s all well and good but why is it for every one of these - when we wear a ’Southern’ shirt - why is it that these shirts are not really very southern at all . . . ?

Why are these shirts made everywhere but the South . . . why can’t we get a ’Southern’ shirt made in the south, by Southerners, using 100% southern cotton . . . ? Well, with a Wilmo shirt, you can, and the Wilmo label is your guarantee that your southern shirt is a real Southern shirt - it’s made in the South, by Southerners, using 100% Southern cotton.
At Wilmo, we're proud of our real, southern t-shirts, and we love the south and everything about it - the people, the places, the food, the things we make and build, and all the fun things to see and do . . . share with us your love for the south and all things Southern and we'll post your favorites, along with ours - contact us anytime.