How 'southern' is your
southern t-shirt . . . ?
the Wilmo logo is your Gu
arantee that your t-shirt
is a real, 100% southern t-shirt.

Wilmo, Logo
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Real . . . Southern . . . by Wilmo


Tired of seeing 'southern' shirts made everywhere, but the south . . . ? If you answered yes, then you are ready for a real, Southern t-shirt.  The Wilmo logo is your guarantee that your southern t-shirt is a real Southern shirt - it’s made in the South, by Southerners, using 100% Southern cotton.  Learn our story at 'About Us' and know that when you wear a Wilmo southern t-shirt, you are wearing a real, Southern t-shirt.

Free Shipping On Orders $50 and Up

Coupon Code: FS

About Us

Contact Us

We are constantly working to add to our many designs, but if you have a design for your business or product, maybe a family reunion or event that is - like Wilmo - 100% southern, send it to our design team and we will customize a t-shirt order just for you.

And for questions or comments, or to submit to us one of your favorite things - southern - we would love to hear from you. 

Please e-mail us - or provide a phone number and 'best day/time to call' as you may prefer -  and we'll get back to you as soon as we can.

Thank you very much, from all of us at Wilmo.
